Vinnytsia: Crossing the border into western Ukraine

Vinnytsia: Crossing the border into western Ukraine

Vinnytsia: Crossing the border into western Ukraine Reaching the Ukrainian border we crossed by bridge from Moldova to Ukraine dodging the hawkers selling potatoes in the no-man’s land of the bridge. On the Ukrainian side, we were greeted by ushanka (шапка-ушанка)...
Mamaia, Romania – May Bank Holiday Weekend

Mamaia, Romania – May Bank Holiday Weekend

Mamaia, Romania – May Bank Holiday Weekend From 1 to 4 May 2014, I traveled to Mamaia for what was billed (by my Romanian friends) as the biggest party all year in Romania. Mamaia is located on the Black Sea to the north of the city of Constanța, an historical...
Подорож повна пригод у Придністров’ї, Молдова: що це таке, і як можна перетнути кордон?

Подорож повна пригод у Придністров’ї, Молдова: що це таке, і як можна перетнути кордон?

Подорож повна пригод у Придністров’ї, Молдова: що це таке, і як можна перетнути кордон? Придністров’я де-факто є незалежною територією в складі Республіки Молдова, незалежність якої, тим не менш, не визнана міжнародним співтовариством. Придністров’я...
Chișinău & Bălți, Moldova – Off the tourist trail

Chișinău & Bălți, Moldova – Off the tourist trail

Chișinău & Bălți, Moldova – Off the tourist trail Having rocked Bucharest, we headed by plane to Chisinau, the capital of Moldova. While tourism is not so well developed in Moldova, we can recommend the region’s wine. It seems that almost everybody in this...