Welcome! I’m Conor Clyne and I help high level men live the dream in New Europe for 3-12 months per year by making more money, living healthier and achieving abundance in relationships.
I’ve guided 100s of clients through my week-long New Europe experiences, consulting calls and online training programs to success in living the lifestyle they desire.
My videos on YouTube have been watched 20 million times and counting!
I’m a former European lawyer with a background in International Relations from a prestigious US university, with a specialization in Ukraine, Russia and Central Asia. I later worked as an intern to a future US Secretary of State and as a lawyer at the European Commission. Moreover, I’ve learnt over 10 languages, including Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Romanian, and served as the president of the International Polyglot Society.
For more than a decade I’ve been living primarily in New Europe (region between Germany and Russia in Europe) and primarily focusing on my regional picks which I’ve together as ‘Emerging Europe’, so countries like Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Czechia and Kazakhstan.
In these highlighted countries, I’ve been enjoying a healthy intellectually stimulating lifestyle combined with high octane partying with some of the coolest guys and most beautiful women in the region. All this is a lot easier to achieve here with the right knowledge and application than typically is the case in North America or Western Europe. Moreover, I’ve developed programs through which I can help you replicate my success here so that you can also live your best life in the region.
My programs are based on the principles that I’ve developed over the last 10+ years living and traveling extensively in the region and are designed to help you network with the elite in New Europe, find the women of your dreams, relocate yourself here for at least 3 months per year, overcome the region’s language barrier and maximize your quality of life.
What are you doing next weekend? Are you ready to live the in-person premium experience for yourself? Go ahead and apply for the opportunity to join me as a client on an unforgettable adventure to New Europe, invest in one of my invaluable online programs or get my personal coaching on a consulting call!