To date or not to date a Belarusian girl?

To date or not to date a Belarusian girl?

To date or not to date a Belarusian girl? Do you know anything about Belarusian girls? What is so special about dating them? How they treat foreigners? What are their idiosyncracies? Traveling around Belarus many times has allowed me get to know many local girls and...
Are some languages sexier than others?

Are some languages sexier than others?

Are some languages sexier than others? While many of us are attracted to the foreign accent of particular nationalities when they speak in our native tongue, is the same true when the foreigners speak in their own language? I have recently noticed a trend that I am...
Why Erasmus is One of the Best Things You Can Do!

Why Erasmus is One of the Best Things You Can Do!

Why Erasmus is One of the Best Things You Can Do! GUEST POST So, you’ve started your Erasmus year but you still feel like a newbie? Or maybe, you’re thinking of going on an Erasmus exchange but you’re not sure what to expect… Not to worry! Hmsies is here to give...